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Forecast Bitcoin Price Using a Quantitative Approach

In this video, Daniele Bernardi shows how the fair value price of Bitcoin can be estimated using micro-economic models.

Daniele Bernardi
1 hour and 0 mins
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The Future of Quants - An AI Perspective and How Individuals Can Prepare Themselves

In this video, Tony Boobier explores how AI could affect quant finance professionals.

Tony Boobier
56 mins
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Quantum Computing in Quant Finance Conference 2024

Watch the recordings from the June 2024 Quantum Computing in Quant Finance Conference. Enjoy talks from Dr. David Garvin, Dr. Oleksiy Kondratyev, Dr. David Orrell, and more.

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A Day in the Life of a Quant Developer

In this video, Chloe Vuong outlines the day-to-day activities, typical career backgrounds and career journeys within quantitative development.

Chloe Vuong
1 hour and 0 mins
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Navigating Sector Investing Risks

In this talk, Samit Ahlawat explores the market risks associated with sector investing.

Samit Ahlawat
38 mins
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Financial Applications with Kernels

In this talk, Dr. Jean-Marc Mercier explores how kernel-based generative and predictive algorithms can enhance financial modeling and risk management.

Dr. Jean-Marc Mercier
59 mins
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SPX, VIX and Scale-Invariant LSV

In this talk, Adil Reghai explores the application and enhancement of Local Stochastic Volatility (LSV) models.

Adil Reghai
49 mins
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Portfolio Management in Quant Finance Conference 2024

Watch the recordings from the March 2024 Portfolio Management in Quant Finance Conference. Enjoy talks from Dr. Artur Sepp, Renee Yao, Dr. Jan Rosenzweig, and more.

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Master the Quant Finance Interview: Strategies for Success

In this video, Katherina Duong-Bernet shares invaluable insights and techniques for successful interviews in the competitive quant finance sector.

Katherina Duong-Bernet
50 mins
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The Development and Evolution of Mean-Variance Efficient Portfolios in the US and Japan

In this talk, Dr. John Guerard explores the history of efficient portfolios in the US and Japan.

Dr. John Guerard
56 mins
